Mortgage Fees

Need to know more about our mortgage fees?

Mortgage TypeCost
New Property Purchase£395
Additional Application £165
Help to Buy Application£165 + new purchase fee
Shared Ownership Application£165 + new purchase fee
Remortgage£1,100 minimum income **
Product Transfer£575 minimum income **
Further Advance£575 minimum income **
Equity Release£1,375 minimum income **

Bigmore Mortgages will always be paid a procuration fee by the lender directly on completion of the loan. In most cases this fee amounts to the majority of what we earn. All fees will be fully disclosed and agreed with you in advance.

** The fees for these mortgage types may vary depending on the mortgage size and lender. Example: If we receive an £800 procuration fee direct from the lender for a remortgage we will only charge you the difference of £300. If we receive an £1,100 procuration fee from the lender you will not be charged a fee. 

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