Employee Benefits FAQs

Your questions answered

Below is a list of questions our clients frequently ask the Bigmore Benefits team. If you have a question and the answer is not included in the FAQs please drop us a line. We would be happy to help!

How do I work out the right benefits for my company?
What does a good employee benefit package look like? How do I know what will help me attract and retain my employees?
Can my employees choose their own benefits? Flexible benefits?
How does DIY compare to an employee benefit service?
Is it a legal requirement to offer employee benefits? What are the implications of non-compliance?
How easy is it to put a benefits package in place? What is the process?
Are we too small to have a benefits package?
What support services are available to employees? How often?
What if my company grows or merges with another?
What are the top benefits providers/brokers?
How often should a benefits package be reviewed? Employer & benefit consultant?
How can you/we communicate the advantages of a benefits package? How would it help our company?
What software do your providers use?
What is the impact of transferring medical cover for employees?
What employee benefits are transferrable?
What is the difference between Group Death in Service vs Personal Life Cover?

Why you should work with Bigmore Benefits

Why would we use Bigmore Benefits services?
Do you have a dedicated benefits portal? Is there a demo available?
How do the services of Bigmores compare to the likes of AON/Mercer etc?
Do you offer international benefits consultancy? How does it work?
What benefits do you offer your own employees?
How is our data stored and protected? Are services fully GDPR compliant?
How often should EE data be updated?
Does your system integrate with our own HR systems?
What fees do you charge and what do they cover?
At what stage do you charge fees?
Other Benefit companies we have spoken to want us to commit to a 3–5 year contract where we are tied to the relationship for that period. Is this true for you?
Once we become a client what happens if we want to terminate our relationship with you, Are there any penalties?
How much does a paid proposal cost?
What is included in a paid proposal?
Our company likes the proposal you have presented – how do we proceed?
What are the advantages of using a provider like Bigmore Benefits as opposed to setting up employee benefits ourselves?


What fees do you charge and what do they cover?
At what stage do you charge fees?
How much does a paid proposal cost?
What is included in a paid proposal?
Our company likes the proposal you have sent. How do we proceed?
What does the employee benefit implementation process involve?
What happens once our employee benefits package is live?
What are the ongoing fees for your service?
What is the ongoing service and support your provide?
Are their any hidden costs?
Other Benefit companies we have spoken to want us to commit to a 3–5 year contract where we are tied to the relationship for that period. Is this true for you?
It is reassuring that you do not look to tie your clients into your service. However, we can see benefits for both parties in cementing a longer-term relationship. Are there any benefits in signing up for a long relationship.
Once we become a client what happens if we want to terminate our relationship with you, Are there any penalties?
What are the advantages of using a provider like Bigmore Benefits as opposed to setting up employee benefits ourselves?
You have explained that you are an Employee Benefit and Engagement Partner. What is the difference between how you charge and the following: • Consultant • Broker • Administrator • Technology Platform
Why do you charge a fee? Don’t you earn most of your revenue from commissions?
What do you do for your commission?
Why do you specifically choose to receive 10% commissions from providers?
What do you find most other Employee Benefit Brokers / Consultants receive in commissions?
We would rather you do not receive commissions from providers, and we’ll pay you a fee instead. Can we request this?

Bigmore Employee Benefits

Telephone: 01932 253939
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"CB Benefits support HLW with all aspects of the administration of our employee benefits package, implementing the agreed schemes efficiently and effectively and updating us on any changes as appropriate. Their team is always willing to answer any questions, from the firm perspective and from individual employees and Dave Sykes is happy to visit our offices for personal consultations with the management team and to conduct inductions with staff into the benefits and pension scheme we operate. They have a friendly and professional approach at all times and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to other firms.”

Jason Turner
Principal, HLW International

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