Active vs Passive Investment Management

May 22, 2024

A common point of discussion when it comes to investing is active vs passive management.

But is this terminology a true representation of the way investments are managed?

Knowing what each term means, as well as the pros and cons, can help you understand which option is the best for you. This could be based on your appetite for risk, desired returns as well as what levels of fees you are prepared to pay.

In this video Julian Strauss, investment director at Bigmore Associates, outlines what is meant when a fund is active vs passive, the potential benefits and drawbacks of both and why this terminology might not be entirely accurate.

Whichever option you choose for your investments, it is vital that you are informed and that the product you choose aligns with your overall financial goals.

If you’d like more guidance on the differences between active vs passive investments, or for an in-depth look at your personal finances and goals, please fill out the contact form below. One of our team will be in touch to set up your free initial consultation meeting.  

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